Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Apricot Book Has Glam Cover!

Just wanted you to see the cover of my book, which will be published by the History Press in about six weeks. If you go to Amazon and type in the book's name, you'll be able to pre-order it at a discount.

Things are moving along very quickly at the History Press re my upcoming book on the apricot orchards of Silicon Valley. I have the galleys in my hands now and this is my first glimpse of the cover.

What I would like to do in the coming weeks, is to produce for you a downloadable podcast of part of one of the chapters, so that you can get a sense of what the book is like. 

I have published three other books: the first two were guidebooks I published myself, the third was a book of vintage postcards and captions published by Arcadia.

Consequently, this is my first, full-length book of regional history. What fun it has been to do, and what a lot of work. Each day I learned something more, not always easy to do as one gets older. This project forced me to use my brain!

I hope you like the cover: I think it is terrific! (The back cover is good too, but they are still working on the back cover copy.)

Now, if you click the link below, you can go to my author's page on Amazon and, though the cover you see above is not yet in place, you can click on California Apricots: the Lost Orchards of Silicon Valley and learn more about its availability.

Robin's Amazon Author's Page

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