I wonder why Detroit doesn't make pretty cars anymore--like the one (above) I saw being worked on in the sun yesterday. I saw the "Motor City" ads during the Super Bowl, but really cool-looking cars might be an even better "marketing vehicle" ...
I wonder if anyone else thought, as I did, that the best part of the Super Bowl was hearing the voices of so many Americans reading the words of our Declaration of Independence ... Thomas Jefferson was a man of many contradictions, but the document he composed, with the help of our other founding fathers, is beautiful in both language and ideals. I wonder how they could come up with things like that before the invention of the "creative meeting," "branding" and (the always deadly) "mission statement" ...
I wonder if I should even make fun of that chubby, blonde tart who fouled up the Star Spangled Banner ... Perhaps instead I should wonder how much they paid her ... and why she didn't practice ... and who it was who thought she could sing ...
I wonder what that telephone conversation was like, late last week, between the 82-year-old military dictator of Egypt and our 49-year-old president. And our threats are what? And Mubarak should worry about what we might do ... how much? I wouldn't want to play poker with HM, ever ...
I wonder what this whole tattoo thing is all about? Those highly paid Super Bowl football players were covered with body art. I wonder what it will look like when they are all really old and their skin starts to drift turfward ...

I wonder what happened to the critter who re-attacked my lawn last week and then, whoosh, disappeared again ... I wonder if some skunk is just toying with me. Like Hosni Mubarak is with President Obama ...
I wonder why it isn't spring, all the time ...

Regarding those tattoos:
I wish all young people (young women especially) would think twice about permanently inking their skin.
Actually, I move back and forth through time with my little machine.
Your comments about those beautiful, extinct expressions of automotive art bring back a flood of memories of some of the beauties my folks had during my childhood years. My dad used to say they were as sturdy as a "brick outhouse". He must have been talking about a two holer, because they were all soooo spacious, too! As for the tattoos, or "tats", or "ink" as some people call them, I just refuse to accept them as body art--more like vandalism, really. I see them as body graffiti. And finally, you were right on the money about the singing of The Star Spangled Banner during the Super Bowl. It was almost as bad as Roseanne Barr's attempt to sing it at a baseball game. I can forgive someone not being able sing the tune, given the impossible register change of the song, but not knowing the words is outrageous. I did see the late, great Ella Fitzgerald in concert once when she forgot the lyrics to a song she was performing, but she improvised her way through it and got a standing ovation. Style, grace, talent and class--elements lacking in today's pop superstars.
And taking that beautiful car to the malt shop, where waitresses brought your order on skates, or that big speaker that you put on one of the half opened windows at the drive in movie...
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