We have a new and very cute no-name Labrador in the neighborhood and it is your job to help this poor pup get himself a handle. To explain my connection:
Over the years in my family's neighborhood, there was a dog called Sunny. She lived across the street from us, and when her owner was ill with cancer, my father volunteered to take the young, gentle, well-mannered Sunny for her walks. The two became friends. Sunny's owner passed away a decade ago, but the owner's son, Mickey, inherited the house and his father's dog, and the friendship between my Dad and Sunny continued.

Sunny lived to be thirteen years old or thereabouts (her age wasn't known exactly when she was acquired) and, in fact, she lived long enough to attend my father's 90th birthday party.

At right, Sunny at my father's 90th birthday party, December 2009. You can see that poor old Sunny's body is riddled with tumors.
Sunny went everywhere with her owner Mickey, who has a landscaping business, and when she died he was so struck with grief he just went inside his house for a few days and didn't come out.
I wondered when a new dog would show up in his life to cheer him. And yesterday, I saw a little yellow lab appear on Mickey's front lawn.
Now I've met the little scamp I have learned from Mickey that this young fellow has no name. Any form of Sunny is out, as to Mickey and his wife Donna, Sunny cannot be replaced. But love is not a zero sum game and that's why they can now make room for the No-Name Pup.
I thought perhaps all of you out there might be able to come up with something, and my neighbor said it was okay for me to ask my readers for help. Otherwise he is threatening to call the dog Norbert, and, not being a Harry Potter fan I don't even get that.
Can you help? The puppy still needs some education in housetraining and a name might come in handy for Donna and Mickey, as they work to help him earn that diploma.
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